Thursday, October 28, 2010

Kali's Belly 2

 Here is Kali at 20 weeks.  Last week I went with her to another ultrasound she had.  It was so much fun seeing her baby girl.  The baby is measuring right on her due date.  March 13, 2011!  3/4 of a pound and 9 inches long. (that was a week ago so she is a little bigger now)
You can finally tell she is pregnant!!  The little bump!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


 For home evening last night we did our jack-o-lanterns.  I have to say we are all getting really good at it. Everyone was there except for Kason.  He had to take a test for school.  We missed him, but it was Barry's first Jarvis pumpkin carving experience.  Welcome Barry!!!  Here's Jaycie being her funny self.
 Jake cleaning out his pumpkin
 Karissa cleaning out hers.  She really didn't clean out that much because she doesn't like the insides of pumpkins so Barry did most of it.
 Kali was on her own this year.  I think she did a great job.
 Here's Kelsey with her jack-o-lantern.
 The finished product!  Pretty good!
 That is mine and Rob's.  We used a pattern we found on the internet.  That title "What!"
 Last week was Mesa High's Homecoming.  Jake was asked to be on the sophomore float
Sorry out of order but her is Savanna cleaning her's out. It was a fun night!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Big News!!

 Jaycie turned 14 yesterday!!  I can't believe she is 14.  It is crazy!
 She got this cute phat beach cruiser bike!  Love it!
 Happy Birthday Jaycie we love YOU!
On Saturday Rob turned 46!  That is a giant cookie from Paradise Bakery.  He didn't want cake.  The whole family went and saw Secretiarat.  Not sure how to spell it.  Then we went to dinner too.  This was for Jaycie's birthday too.  Now for the BIG NEWS!!!  Are you ready?!  Kali is having a BABY GIRL!!  Sorry no picture but we are all excited.  Jake is disappointed.

Monday, October 4, 2010

September Update

 Savanna and her dance group danced at the Diamondback Game.  They performed right after both teams warmed up.  This picture is all of them on the JUMBOTRON!
 Here's Savanna in her company costume.
 Here they are dancing on the field.  It was fun.
 Mesa High had there little bunnies again this year.  Not to bad of a jump for a 10 year old.  She can jump better than some of the cheerleaders.
 Here's Savanna doing a chant.
 Jaycie had her first choir concert.  She decided to do choir instead of band this year.  She is in Treble Clefs.  It is the second to the highest choir. Not bad, for never being in choir before.
 Jaycie did a great job.
 Here's most of the group.  Jaycie is in the second row, last one on the left.
 On Oct 5th my Dad will turn 85!  We had a little party Sunday after conference to celebrate.  The candle says, "Over the hill too old to count".  Love you GRANDPA!!
Sorry out of order, but her is Savanna with Randy Johnson Bobblehead.  Pretty funny!!