Friday, July 10, 2009

Busy July

Sorry I haven't posted. My computer broke and is getting fixed. I am on Rob's so there will be no pictures. Sorry! On June 30th my brother Edwin died. He was 60 years old. We left for Bluewater on July 2nd as planned but came home on July 6th for Edwin's funeral on July 7th. His funeral was nice and alot of relatives came. Rob gave the plan of salvation talk and Karissa and I did the prelude. I played the piano and she played the cello. We did primary songs because my brother served alot in the nursery. The short vacation was nice. All of my family went and a few friends of the kids. We haven't had a vacation with everyone in three years. Today Jake had his nose surgery to fix his broken nose. Also today, Jaycie had 8 teeth taken out by the oral surgeon. 4 babies and 4 adults. They are both doing pretty good. Also, my uncle Bud died last friday and his funeral is today in Idaho. I was not able to go with all of these surgeries. He was 90. I will post more when I can put pictures up.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about your brother passing. Too bad your trip was cut a little short. Hope Jake and Jaycie get to feeling better quick.
